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AutomaNews 2009
November 2009
Number 62 November 2009 - Special Super-Flash Royalty-Free promotion
Automa's Royalty-Free proposal is unique to its kind: it allows a development licence of the SCADA/HMI Super-Flash package to be purchased without any further royalty obligations on the applications made. It is the most suitable tool for drastically reducing the fixed costs of supervision applications: being able to amortize the cost of the development system, the impact on each individual application tends to decrease rapidly to zero.
The Royalty-Free solution provides another important advantage: being a producer goods it can allow both amortization of the cost spread over several accounting periods, and enjoyment of the tax concessions regarding purchase of producer goods.
With the issue of the Super-Flash 4.0 version, Automa has made licences available with different prices according to their size, measured in number of variables and number of alarms, for the Royalty-Free version as well.
The costs of the Royalty-Free licences depend on the size and start from less than € 5,000.00!
On the occasion of the end of the year, Automa has proclaimed a special promotion dedicated to Super-FlashRoyalty-Free licences.
For orders and deliveries by 31/12/2009:
  • 15% discount on purchase of a Royalty-Free licence of Super-Flash 4.0
  • 20% discount on purchase of an upgrade to the 4.0 version from previous versions

For further information on the promotion, for offers or orders, you can contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 61 November 2009 - Ethernet/serial Converter: multi-purpose instrument
Ethernet is now becoming the most widespread bus for communication among the various components of industrial automation systems as well.
Laying a single factory Ethernet network, perhaps redundant and appropriately segmented, solves the problems linked to proliferation of dedicated cabling typical of serial lines and some field buses in a radical way and with limited costs.
The difference is patently clear: whilst the connection by means of a serial line is generally dedicated to just one peripheral or to a group of peripherals, the Ethernet network supports a high number of communication channels on a single cable. The Ethernet network can therefore be intended as a true infrastructure, usable for all possible communications between the automation systems of a process or of the entire production.
However, today many components are still not ready because only fitted with RS232, RS422 or RS485 serial lines. In some cases, the true limit regards the excessive cost of the optional cards for connection to Ethernet.
There is, though, an excellent solution to all the problems connected with integration of old peripherals in new Ethernet-based systems: the Ethernet/serial converters.
These devices can allow easy Ethernet connection of peripherals only fitted with a serial line. In most cases, this is possible without having to intervene on the existing communication software.
Not all Ethernet/serial converters are suitable for use in the industrial field, both due to their construction characteristics and to the need to support particular performances typical of the communication protocols of some PLCs and of other field peripherals.
To offer its customers a valid solution, Automa has selected, proposes and technically supports converters able to satisfy the Ethernet serial conversion requirements in a suitable way.
The converters are available both in RS232 and in RS422 or RS485. There are models with one, two, four, eight and sixteen ports, generally proposed in the low cost version. For some models there is also an IP67 outdoor version.
Where requested, Automa offers these products in combination with a short training session which puts the customers in the position of being operational immediately, avoiding the time needed for self-coaching on new products.
The list of ATOP products distributed by Automa can be consulted in the hardware section of our site. An easily downloadable data sheet is also available for each product.
For more information on the Ethernet/serial converters, or to fix up a course or to ask for an offer, you can contact our sales staff directly on or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 60 November 2009 - Super-Flash and DataBase with SmartDB
Connection of an HMI application towards the production management software is increasingly requested. In these cases, the needs are many and always differ, since they heavily depend on how the end customer interprets and manages their production.
It deals with "integrating" two very different worlds: the process one (machine or plant) and the production one. For this integration, one sometimes begins by posing the objective of seeing to the fact that the supervision applications are able to automatically receive a work plan from the higher level. Consequently, the HMI application will return the data relative to the production carried out to the higher level.
This exchange of data, which is apparently simple, but may often hide unexpected complexity, can be suitably implemented by using the DataBase as the communication technology.
To provide the Super-Flash applications with the full support of the connection to the various DataBases on the market, Automa makes SmartDB available. This is a powerful instrument which allows publication and consultation of the data in one or more tables or one or more databases. Fully compatible with the ODBC standard, SMARTDB also offers the possibility of executing SQL commands.
SmartDB is powerful, solid, reliable and easy to use. It makes integration of the SCADA/HMI applications in company information systems simpler. This means that the line or on-board machine stations can retrieve the processing to be carried out directly from the database, and publish the realtime production data.
SmartDB is available in the Royalty-Free and Runtime sales formulas. After having purchased the package, those who choose SmartDB Royalty-Free can use it for an unlimited number of applications. On the other hand, those who prefer the Runtime formula, purchase the licence for a single application. Thanks to this commercial proposal our customers do not need to take on any investment risks since they only purchase the number of licences needed for a specific job order.
The Runtime version can be downloaded freely from the freedownload section of our site: it contains a 15-minute Runtime which makes it possible to evaluate the functionality of the product.
Automa is able to supply SmartDB accompanying it with all the services the user requires: from training on the product and database technology, to application consultancy to integrate the product in their own applications, to designing the database appropriately and to making any analysis solutions of the published data.
For information about SmartDB, for demonstrations or orders, you can contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 59 November 2009 - Low Cost Industrial Switch Promotion
The special low cost promotion regarding the Ethernet industrial switches with 6 ports continues.
The promotion is valid without any limits on quantities, for orders placed by 31/12/2009.
The EH-2006 product, on a DIN rail, with dual power supply and 6 autosensing 10/100 ports, is ideal for building the local network typical of an automation cell.
The 6 ports available will typically be connected to the following:
  • PC
  • PLC
  • Router for connection and remote assistance
  • Notebook for programming
  • Company network
  • Free for expansions

Sizing of the switch is calibrated to the typical requirements of those who make and install automation islands based on a PLC and supervisor, with a careful eye on future developments. Everything is at a really very competitive cost.
It is possible to download the datasheet of the product from the hardware section of our site.
For further information on the industrial Ethernet switches, or to ask for an offer, please contact our sales staff directly on or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 58 November 2009 - Bridge holiday of 7th and Christmas Holidays
We are now nearly at the end of 2009 - a year which has certainly been a very difficult one for companies working in the field of industrial automation. However, there are many who see 2010 as the start to a definite recovery of the market.
Getting closer to the end of the year, we should like to inform you that our telephone assistance service will be suspended on 7/12/2009 and during the period from 23/12/2009 until 5/1/2010 for the Christmas holiday period.
Refreshed after the holiday pause, our technicians will be at available again with renewed enthusiasm starting from 7th January 2010.
We remind you that it is possible to use the telephone assistance service every weekday from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to midday and from 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. It is possible to access the service, at any time, by stipulating a contract which can last between 1 and 12 months.
For the holders of at least one SUPER-FLASH licence, our technicians are available free of charge every Tuesday and Thursday morning, from 9.30 a.m. to midday.
For further information, please contact Automa on number or at the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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October 2009
Number 57 October 2009 - Beta 1 of Super-Flash 4.1 is available
As announced in the September AutomaNews, the Beta 1 version of Super-Flash 4.1 was made available in October. It is possible to download the Royalty Free and Runtime version from the download and fredownload sections respectively of the site www.automa.it.
For the performances inserted, please see a specific document which can be downloaded from the site. Here we will just say that it is, in any case, a series of points always aimed at a single objective: to reduce the time needed to make applications of medium complexity.
The attention paid and focusing on a single objective has led to important results. Those who have used this new version have declared that they definitely do not want to go back: the difference in productivity compared to the previous version can perhaps be guessed from the titles of the performances, but certainly one can only experiment in a concrete way by using the product.
The new performances are so important and numerous that a certain amount of time is needed to explore them. For this reason Automa has organised some events, specially aimed at making the new performances of the 4.1 version known to the users of the previous versions.
For more information on the new Beta 1 version and on the presentations planned, please contact our sales staff directly on or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 56 October 2009 - Protect your applications with Protect
Super-Flash is supplied using two different sales methods: Royalty-Free and Runtime. In the Royalty-Free method, the user purchases a licence for the development system and produces the applications without any Royalties. This means that the end user has no limits on copying and operating the supervision application.
To prevent operation of a copy of the application, you can use Protect, a product included in the Royalty-Free version of Super-Flash, so that an application can only function if the presence of a suitably programmed hardware (parallel or USB) key is detected. Automa provides the hardware keys partially programmed and the developer completes the programming with Protect, thereby setting up their own reserved code which the WRunfile engine will use as authorisation to launch the application to be protected.
The hardware keys are very reliable. Notwithstanding this, a key may become faulty. Protect allows this case, too, to be managed intelligently since, although indicating the anomaly, even without the key it will continue to work for a number of days freely definable by the author of the application. This way it is possible to have the time available needed to procure a new key, without obliging the end customer to stop the supervision application.
For further information on Protect, and on the protection keys, please contact the Automa staff directly on number or at the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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Number 55 October 2009 - Free Basic Course on Super-Flash
SUPER-FLASH is an environment for simplified development of SCADA/HMI applications. It is reliable, compact, user-friendly and economical.
Starting to work with Super-Flash is easy: simply connect up to the our site and download the Runtime version of the development system free of charge, from the freedownload section. SCADA/HMI applications can be developed with the only restriction being the operating time, which is limited to 15 minutes for each run. To make the application produced have an unlimited duration, it is necessary to purchase a Runtime licence to be chosen from among the 8 sizes available: from 50 to 30,000 variables and alarms.
As well as the traditional offer of customised courses, to facilitate an initial approach to Super-Flash, Automa also organises collective courses lasting a few hours, with a set programme, aimed at putting those taking part in the condition of being able to make a simple HMI application on their own.

Free basic course on Super-Flash
Wednesday 11 November 2009
From 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.

Place: via Don A. Mazzucotelli, 6/A – Gorle (BG)
How to reach Automa's head office

The course is aimed at all those who do not know Super-Flash and who want to understand its power and how it is used.
Attendance is free, but as places are limited, booking is indispensable.
For further information about the basic course on Super-Flash or to enrol for the event, please contact our sales staff directly on or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 54 October 2009 - Presentation of Beta 1 of Super-Flash 4.1
Over the past months some presentations were organised on the novelties introduced in the Beta 0 version of the forthcoming 4.1 version of Super-Flash. Now, with Beta 1 available, other similar events will be organised.
We remind you that the forthcoming 4.1 version of Super-Flash has a single important objective: reduction in the development times of applications of medium complexity.
From the reactions of those who have taken part in these events and, above all, from the comments received by those who have actually used Beta 0 for a few months, it is clear that the declared objective has definitely been achieved.
To encourage in-depth knowledge of the new performances introduced in the new version of Super-Flash, Automa has decided to organise a specific event dedicated to presentation of Beta 1 of the 4.1 version of Super-Flash.

Presentation of Beta 1 Super-Flash 4.1
Wednesday 25th November 2009
From 9 a.m. to midday

Place: via Don A. Mazzucotelli, 6/A – Gorle (BG)
How to reach Automa's head office

The presentation is not intended as a basic course on Super-Flash: it is aimed at users who already know the previous 3.7, 3.8, 3.9 or 4.0 versions.
For further information on the presentation of the new Beta version, or to enrol in the event, you can contact our sales staff directly on or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 53 October 2009 - Symbol Factory: symbols and images for automation
Development of SCADA/HMI applications often needs images and symbols to be made or found so as to be able to produce mimic diagrams and ergonomic operating panels which are pleasant to look.
Making these images takes time and needs graphic and creative skills which are often not among those typical of technicians specialised in programming and automation.
For this reason one tends to look for image galleries on the Internet. Unfortunately, these galleries are almost never directed at SCADA/HMI, and the possibility of recycling them for your own applications is not always clear.
To give their customers a hand, Automa proposes the Symbol Factory library. This is a gallery of images specially studied for the industrial environment.
The product is supplied with a licence for a single station. The images exported can be freely integrated into your own SCADA/HMI applications.
Symbol Factory produces images in various graphic formats which can be used in most of the SCADA/HMI products present on the market.
We remind you that Super-Flash manages graphic pages up to 4,000 x 4,000 pixels, with the whole range of wide screen formats and with resolutions, even personalised ones, reaching up to 16 million colours. Support of the BMP, PNG, JPEG, GIF and TIF formats also allows simple exchange of the images, sharing them with drawing, design, photo touch-up or animation tools.
To obtain a demonstration version of Symbol Factory, for an offer, an order, or for further information, your can contact our sales staff directly on or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 52 October 2009 - Revision of ATOP Price Lists
Acknowledging the favourable and lasting euro/dollar change rate, and with a view to providing its own small stimulus to economic growth, Automa has reviewed the Price List of the ATOP products with a mark-down. A reduction of about 20% which takes these products to a level where the price is truly highly competitive.
It will be therefore good value to purchase the various models of the Ethernet/serial wired and wireless server, and the whole series of managed and unmanaged industrial switches.
To obtain a specific offer for the ATOP products, you can contact Automa directly on number or at the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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Number 51 October 2009 - Automa Site
Updating the Automa site continues non-stop. We remind you that the www.automa.it site is a precious source of technical information on the products Automa proposes.
From the site, it is generally possible to download (freedownload section) the products which can often be used directly as trial evaluation versions.
In the hardware section, it is possible to download the PDF file of the technical characteristics for each product.
To make finding the information easier, a search function has been inserted on each page of the site, which allows the pages and documents containing the desired text to be found.
In any case, for further information, it is always possible to contact Automa directly on number or at the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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September 2009
Number 50 September 2009 - Free Basic Course on Super-Flash
Super-Flash is an environment for simplified development of SCADA/HMI applications. It is reliable, compact, user-friendly and economical.
Starting to work with Super-Flash is easy: simply connect up to our site and download the Runtime version of the development system free of charge, from the freedownload section. With this version it is possible to develop SCADA/HMI applications with the only restriction being the operating time, which is limited to 15 minutes for each run. To make the application produced have an unlimited duration, it is necessary to purchase a Runtime licence to be chosen from among the 8 sizes available (from 50 to 30,000 variables and alarms).
As well as the traditional offer of customised courses, to facilitate an initial approach to Super-Flash, Automa also organises 4-hour collective courses, with a set programme, aimed at putting those taking part in the condition of being able to make a simple HMI application on their own.

Free basic course on Super-Flash
Wednesday 28th October 2009
From 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Place: via Don A. Mazzucotelli, 6/A – Gorle (BG)
How to reach Automa’s head office

The course is aimed at all those who do not know Super-Flash and who want to understand its power and how it is used. Attendance is free, but as places are limited, booking is indispensable.
For further information about the basic course on Super-Flash or to enrol for the event, please contact our sales staff directly on + or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 49 September 2009 - Super-Flash 4.1 Beta 1
The march towards the new 4.1 version of Super-Flash.
The Beta 1 version will be issued in October. This will be followed by issuing the final version, currently foreseen for the end of January 2010.
We remind you that the objective of the 4.1 version is drastic reduction in the time needed to develop applications of medium complexity.
The feedback we have had from those who have experimented with Beta 0 over the past few months, has been very positive. Among the other numerous performances, the new IDEA editor for programming in MicroC, the new interface for editing the Super-Flash programs and the new services for basic archive management (variables, pages, programs, etc.) have been greatly appreciated.
The users confirm that with the Beta 0 version the target of drastically reducing the development times has already been amply reached. In any case, the Beta 1 version will add other performances which have been considered important by those attending the meetings dedicated to the new version organised by Automa over the past months.
Along with announcement of the issue of Beta 1, in the October AutomaNews a document summarising the performances developed will be made available.
For further information on the new Beta 1 version, please contact our sales staff directly on + or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 48 September 2009 - Low cost, Introductory Course on MicroC
Super-Flash users have the possibility of making applications without having to use programming in traditional procedural languages.
however, also makes MicroC, available - a powerful embedded programming environment which uses C as its reference syntax.
MicroC fully opens up the spectrum of applicability of the supervision systems made with Super-Flash.
The possibilities offered by MicroC are considerable and mean that even the most demanding customers are satisfied. For example, it is possible to: process the data before sending them to the field (e.g. PLC) or to management systems (e.g. MES); modify the characteristics and addressing of the variables in runtime; create complex applications using fewer variables of the development system, reducing the dimensions of the applications and the cost of the RUNTIME licences; create complex calculated variables; develop communication drivers; develop processing drivers; handle the trend, alarm and recipe data; deferred recording of alarms and trends, on a time history basis; create fully configurable applications; create complex applications; and ... still much more.
Since MicroC is already integrated in the Super-Flash, development system, all the users have the possibility of starting to use it right away and without any licence costs.
MicroC is a language at the service of Super-Flash; and it is possible to learn to use it in a very gradual way: the first MicroC program can really just be a couple of lines!!
To bring everybody a bit closer to this powerful work tool, and thereby allow them to exploit the advantages offered by MicroC Automa proposes a:

Low cost introductory course on MicroC
Thursday 29th October 2009
From 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Place: via Don A. Mazzucotelli, 6/A - Gorle (BG)
How to reach Automa's head office

No competence with programming languages is needed. Good knowledge of Super-Flash is a prerequisite for attendance.
The cost of the course is € 90.00 + VAT for each participant.
To get to know more, to enrol for the course or to show your possible interest, you can either contact Automa's staff directly by phone on +, or by e-mail at the sales@automa.it address.
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Number 47 September 2009 - STIF - Remote Control System for Photovoltaic Plants
The energy sector is going through a very lively period. Automa has been preparing its entry into this sector for some years, so as to be able to offer the market reliable and user-friendly products and software solutions.
Confident of its competence in software for automation, monitoring, remote control and remote management, Automa has decisively directed its efforts towards the theme of renewable energy, with particular reference to the photovoltaic sector.
This is how the STIF project for making a Remote Control system for Photovoltaic Plants came about.
STIF has set the objective of allowing remote control of production and efficiency of either just one or several plants.
The distinctive feature of STIF is its capability of connecting up to photovoltaic plants built with hardware components (especially inverters) of different makes. It therefore allows complete freedom of choice of the components for each single plant and the possibility of managing everything with a single system.
From the user's viewpoint, STIF consists of a hardware device called SUNGATE, of a web software platform called STIF-X, and of a series of services (ATS) some of which are supplied as standard and others which can be activated optionally.
SUNGATE is a hardware device to be positioned in the vicinity of a photovoltaic plant, able to connect up to the inverter, the energy meter, the irradiation sensor, the solar tracker and the information panel. It also provides some general purpose both digital and analogue general purpose I/O.
For comunication with the outside, SUNGATE is fitted with a modem and is able to connect up to ADSL lines and to dedicated web services provided by Automa.
STIF has come into being for photovoltaic plants and is aimed at plant installers, companies dealing with plant management and end users.
STIF is offered in different sizes to cover a vast range of plants which, starting from a few MWp, can reach up to small domestic plants.
To get to know more about STIF and to show your interest in the subject of energy, you can contact the Automa staff directly by telephone on +, or via e-mail at the address: sales@automa.it.
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Number 46 September 2009 - Promotion for industrial switches
Ethernet is used more and more frequently, in the industrial sphere as well. Compared with the office world, Ethernet communication is often more intense in automation and therefore requires special attention to selection of the devices to be used. Whilst in an office network there may be moments when network traffic is slack, when there are HMI applications which communicate with PLCs, traffic is always intense, given the need to continuously process the data and within a very short time. To make network backbones or highly structured segments, it is advisable to choose "managed" switches. The local cell connection (PC, PLC, I/O, etc.), often inside the switchboard, can also be made using low cost switches, as long as they are industrial and of DIN rail type. The EH-2006 product is ideal for these types of applications. It is a device offering 6 Ethernet 10/100 autosensing ports, RJ45, dual power supply, and connection for DIN rail. The product datasheet can be downloaded from the hardware section of the Automa site.
Favoured by the current euro/dollar rate, Automa has put a promotion in place, valid until the end of the year, which, even for small quantities, allows its customers a decidedly interesting price.
For further information on the Ethernet industrial switches, or to ask for an offer, you can contact our sales staff directly on + or by e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 45 September 2009 - Automa Site
Automa's commitment to updating its internet site continues constantly.
We should like to remind you that our site is a precious source of technical information about the products Automa proposes. It is normally possible to download (freedownload section) the products from the site, which can often be used directly as trial versions. In the hardware section, a PDF file is available for each product with its technical characteristics.
In any case, for further information, please contact Automa directly on number + or at the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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Number 44 September 2009 - Super-Flash in China
With a view to expanding its activities, Automa has set up a series of marketing initiatives to commercialise its products on the Chinese market.
Among these, we point out the www.industrialmarket-china.cn/ portal in English and the corresponding www.luodan.net one in Chinese. The initiative is aimed at publicising both the Automa trademark and Super-Flash as the cutting edge product on the Chinese market.
For further information, please contact Automa on number + or at the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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July 2009
Number 43 July 2009 - Maintenance
Industries almost always dedicate the month of August to maintenance activities. These activities often come within the sphere of prevention of possible faults and improvement of the plants.
Preventive maintenance requires skills and resources aimed at collecting the data from your own plant, at analysis and planning of interventions. The objective is to prevent faults by suitably planning replacement of the critical parts.
Improvement maintenance aims at reducing the causes of faults. In this sphere, the maintenance team structure must be similar to that of a technical office. Apart from the possibility of collecting and analysing the plant operating data, designing skills are also needed to devise the modifications which will allow reduction of faults.
In any case, to make choices in the right direction, more and more often maintenance technicians have to collect the operating data of the plants to be maintained. To reduce the data collection costs significantly, it is advisable to automate the procedure. Nowadays machines and plants are generally controlled by PLCs or SCADAs: in these systems the data needed for maintenance are often already present.
The technological convergence of the last few years certainly helps and today makes it possible to construct data collection networks with decidedly lower costs than in the past
To get to know more about how Automa views the industrial maintenance market, you can contact us by e-mail at sales@automa.it or telephone use directly on
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Number 42 July 2009 - MainteX: Operating tool for the maintenance technician
MAINTEX is software for managing ordinary and preventive maintenance. It is characterised by its strongly operative tendency, having been designed specifically for maintenance technicians. Some of the strong points of the product are its easy and simple use. Added to these, is a particular feature, which comes from Automa's twenty years of experience as a producer of software for industrial automation: the possibility of interfacing MAINTEX directly with machines and plants to collect the data from the field. Therefore the maintenance technician is not obliged to carry out extra work to obtain the information needed for correct operation of the system. This means that both the time needed to collect the data and copying errors decrease.
MAINTEX is software for managing preventive maintenance which, since it can be connected to the plant, can be used to advantage by any maintenance technician.
Although an excellent support for traditional methods, MAINTEX brings out its best in the most innovative approach, i.e. with predictive and condition based maintenance, since its basic characteristic is exactly the possibility of going to get the data directly from the SCADA/HMI applications or even from the PLC, where necessary.
To assess the product, you can download a DEMO version from the freedownload section of the our site. The demo product is only limited with regard to the number of elements and the number of cards, but apart from that, it lets you access all the functions of the product.
To learn more about MAINTEX you can contact the Automa staff directly by phone, on, or by e-mail at the address: sales@automa.it.
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Number 41 July 2009 - Broad-spectrum commercial proposal
The prospective audience of MAINTEX users is really extensive: maintenance departments, machine and plant manufacturers, companies operating in continuous or discrete industrial manufacturing processes, companies in the building automation and home automation sectors, etc. To satisfy the extremely wide variety of requirements of those who can gain a competitive advantage from a product like MAINTEX in the best way, Automa has designed a commercial proposal which has seven different "sizes" of the product. For example, the smallest licence, costing € 199.00 (MAINTEXPRESS), allows use of MAINTEX as a valid alternative to simply supplying the maintenance manual on paper or electronically, normally combined with the supply of machines and plants. Automatic management of the maintenance cards, elements, and historical logging of interventions, are higher functions compared with the systems based on electronic sheets. The proposal goes as far as the method with an unlimited number of cards and elements to operate on, to allow easier implementation of even highly structured and complex maintenance systems. For those who have, or foresee having, particular integration needs, the software sources are also available.
Along with the MAINTEX product, Automa also offers training services, telephone assistance and start-up assistance. Automa wants to make implementation of a system based on MAINTEX easier. The start-up assistance service is particularly appreciated: Automa provides one of their staff to work alongside the customer to help them and to simplify and speed up the design stage of the system and its initial implementation.
To learn more about the commercial proposal, which has special conditions reserved for solution providers and retailers, simply ask for the MAINTEX Price List by e-mail at: sales@automa.it or by telephoning directly on
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Number 40 July 2009 - Super-Flash 4.0 SP2
Service Pack 2 of Super-Flash 4.0, which eliminates a few bugs found in this version, can already be downloaded on our site: in the Download section, to make the new functions present even more stable and reliable, before implementing others. To know which bugs were found, in which version, and which ones have been eliminated, you can download the guide to "Fixed Bugs". The leitmotif for this, but also for other documents regarding our products, is maximum transparency towards customers, along with Automa's desire to constantly improve its software, solving any problems as they arise, according to a fixed criterion of importance/gravity of the bug.
For further information about Service Pack 2 of Super-Flash 4.0, you can contact our sales staff directly on or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 39 July 2009 - MainteX with sources as well!
Integration of a piece of software for maintenance is certainly a critical process since it has to interact with production, with the warehouse and with the management system.
Often it turns out that the standard software products are not sufficient to fully satisfy the end customer's requests: it therefore becomes necessary to develop customisations. Taking note of this specific requirement, Automa also proposes MAINTEX in source format (VB6). This way, the solution provider and the end customer have the possibility of evolving the maintenance system over time, adjusting the developments according to their own needs.
With MAINTEX it is possible to start from a standard and reliable product, thereby facilitating the start-up stage, but at the same time having the guarantee of the possibility of piloting development of the product in a completely independent way. The supply of MAINTEX with the sources has different types of licences for Solution Providers, Producers or End Users.
Apart from the MAINTEX product, Automa can make is own personnel and its competences available to assist the user or the solution provider in implementing a maintenance system based on MAINTEX.
For further information about MAINTEX it is possible to contact us at: sales@automa.it or directly on
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Number 38 July 2009 - August 2009 holidays and suspension of the Telephone Assistance service
For the August holiday period, the telephone assistance service will be suspended for two weeks. Shortening the length of this time compared to previous years was decided on the basis of the numerous requests sent in by users.
The telephone assistance service will therefore be suspended from Monday 10th to Friday 21st and will start up again regularly from Monday 24th August 2009.
We would like to remind you that, for those who have signed a special contract, the telephone assistance service can be used every weekday from Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to midday and from 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. It is possible to access the service, at any time, by stipulating a contract which can last between 1 and 12 months.
For the holders of at least one Super-Flash licence, our technicians are available free of charge every Tuesday and Thursday morning, from 9.30 a.m. to midday.
For further information, please contact Automa on number or at the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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Number 37 July 2009 - ModBus TCP/IP 2.1
In the download section of our site, version 2.1 of the ModBus TCP/IP driver, which corrects some problems indicated by users, has been made available.
For further information, please contact Automa on number or at the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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June 2009
Number 36 June 2009 - Free Basic Course on Super-Flash
Super-Flash is an environment for simplified development of SCADA/HMI applications. It is reliable, compact, user-friendly and economical.
Starting to work with Super-Flash is easy: simply connect up to the Automa site and download the Runtime version of the development system free of charge, from the freedownload section. With this version it is possible to develop SCADA/HMI applications with the only restriction being the operating time, which is limited to 15 minutes for each run. To make the application produced have an unlimited duration, it is necessary to purchase a Runtime licence to be chosen from among the 8 sizes available (from 50 to 30,000 variables and alarms).
As well as the traditional offer of customised courses, to facilitate an initial approach to Super-Flash, Automa also organises 4-hour collective courses, with a set programme, aimed at putting those taking part in the condition of being able to make a simple HMI application on their own.
On Wednesday 22 July 2009, from 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m., Automa is proposing a basic course on Super-Flash at its head offices in Gorle. The course is aimed at all those who do not yet know Super-Flash and who want to understand its potential and how to use it.
Attendance is free, but as places are limited, booking is indispensable.
For further information about the basic course on Super-Flash or to enrol for the event, please contact our sales staff directly on or via e-mail at: a sales@automa.it.
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Number 35 June 2009 - Energy meters
Correct and detailed metering of power consumption lies behind any project aimed at energy efficiency. Apart from the portable Energy Data Manager presented in the previous AutomaNews, Automa is selecting some panel instruments, to be presented to those who intend to include the subject of energy as well in their HMI/SCADA projects.
The connection between the energy meters and the supervision applications is fairly simple: most of the instruments offered on the market are fitted with a serial line with ModBus protocol. By means of serial/Ethernet converters it is easy to build a monitoring network managed by a Super-Flash application, able to determine the consumption of entire production areas in a selective way.
To get to know more and to show your interest in the subject of energy, you can contact the Automa staff directly by telephone, on, or via e-mail at the address: sales@automa.it.
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Number 34 June 2009 - Low cost, Introductory Course on MicroC
Super-Flash users have the possibility of making applications without having to use programming in traditional procedural languages.
Super-Flash, however, also makes MICROC available - a powerful embedded programming environment which uses C as its reference syntax. MICROC fully opens up the spectrum of applicability of the supervision systems made with Super-Flash.
The possibilities offered by MICROC are considerable and such as to satisfy even the most demanding customers. To give an idea, here are some of the performances which can be obtained with MICROC.
  • Processing data before sending them to the field (e.g. PLC) or to management systems (e.g. MES)
  • Modifying the characteristics and addressing of the variables in runtime
  • Creating complex applications using fewer variables of the development system, reducing the dimensions of the applications and the cost of the RUNTIME licences
  • Creating calculated complex variables
  • Developing communication drivers
  • Developing processing drivers
  • Handling the trend, alarm and recipe data
  • Recording history, alarms and trends later on, on a time basis
  • Creating fully configurable applications
  • Creating complex applications
  • ...

Since MICROC is already integrated in the Super-Flash development system, all the users have the possibility of starting to use it right away and without any licence costs.
Perhaps because they are worried about the complexity of programming in C, many do not yet use MICROC. This is a real pity because MICROC in no way has the complexity and trickiness of traditional C compilers. Furthermore, being a language at the service of Super-Flash, it is possible to learn to use it in a very gradual way: the first MICROC programme can really just be a couple of lines!!
To bring everybody a bit closer to this powerful work tool, and thereby allow them to exploit the advantages offered by MICROC, Automa proposes an:

Introductory Course on MICROC: Thursday 23 July 2009 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Automa's head offices in Gorle

No competence with programming languages is needed. Good knowledge of Super-Flash is a prerequisite for attendance.

The cost of the course is € 90.00 + VAT for each participant.

To get to know more, to enrol for the course or to show your possible interest, you can either contact Automa's staff directly by phone on, or by e-mail at the sales@automa.it address.
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Number 33 June 2009 - Communication with Siemens PLC
By definition, HMI/SCADA applications communicate with the PLC. Siemens is certainly one of the most widespread brands of PLCs on the market.
Here is a brief summary of the various possibilities Automa makes available for its Customers:

Cards inside the PC:
Insertion of a special card in the PC is generally limited to complex network cases where the number of stations connected and the amount of data recommend insertion of a dedicated server connected to the supervision application at high speed. Models for MPI, Profibus DP and FMS, S7, and Industrial Ethernet protocols are available. With regard to Ethernet versions, multi-protocol solutions are available.

For some years, solutions based on external gateways have also been available for dialogue with Siemens PLCs. There are various advantages in using these solutions compared with internal cards: not having to insert any hardware in the PC, the stages for installation, repair and providing backup stations are greatly simplified.
Here are some gateways proposed and supported by Automa:

The Ethernet NL-50 gateway made by Hilscher has a really exceptional shape factor: everything - electronics and connections, is enclosed in a simple connector. It is compatible with Step7 and incorporates all the functions in a practical DSub "through" connector. It is able to connect up to 32 PLCs and supports up to 16 TCP/IP sessions. It includes an RJ45 connector with status LED.

The NetLink MPI Plus gateway is a DIN rail device, fitted with cable and Profibus through connector. It is compatible with Step7 and incorporates all the functions in a practical DSub "through" connector. It is able to connect up to 32 PLCs and supports up to 32 TCP/IP sessions. It includes an RJ45 connector with status LED.

The USB100PFB gateway is a valid alternative to insertion of special cards in the PC. Perfectly compatible with the Applicom server and with the DirectLink series, it allows the USB interface to be used to connect up to MPI or ProfiBus devices. The standard Applicom driver, already integrated as native in Super-Flash, manages all the various solutions available, allowing the user to interchange the various communication devices as they like, without having to modify the application.

Software Driver for Ethernet standard:
Ethernet is also spreading in a massive way in industrial automation, both at SCADA/HMI level and at control level with the various Ethernet realtime solutions. A software driver for Ethernet is the best solution in the case where the PLC provides an Ethernet connection as standard. For the models which only foresee Ethernet as an option, the cost of the Ethernet module is still scarcely justified today. The software drivers for Ethernet can be supplied in the multi-protocol solution.

For further information about communication using Siemens PLCs, you can contact our sales staff directly on or by e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 32 June 2009 - Automa Site Update
With a view to improving its Customer services, Automa continues to update its site. In the Products section, the part dedicated to hardware (at present only in the Italian version) has been further extended. Specific pages are provided dealing with the various communication hardware solutions proposed, and technically supported, by Automa.
To make for easier navigation and efficient searching, the pages show the images of the products and allow the technical data sheet of each individual product to be downloaded rapidly.
The pages dedicated to the following solutions are found here:

We should like to remind you that Automa has selected these products, by carrying out a careful technical checking task, with the aim of guaranteeing full compatibility with Super-Flash for its customers. To make the correct choice, it must always be remembered that communication is a critical function for all HMI and SCADA applications. Reliability must therefore be the first and most important feature. The performances and simplicity of installation then follow.
There are different solutions available, each with its own specific features. These go from the internal cards which can be true communication servers, to the USB or Ethernet gateways, or to the software solutions: Automa is able to help their customers in making their selection according to the application characteristics and effective network traffic in terms of amount of data.
To obtain further information on the products described in the hardware section site, you can contact our sales staff directly on or by e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 31 June 2009 - 2009 August holidays
The 2009 August holidays are getting closer.
During that period, the telephone assistance service is usually suspended for three weeks.
This year, however, at the request of its customers, Automa has reduced the period of suspension to two weeks.
The telephone assistance service will therefore be suspended from Monday 10th to Friday 21st and will start again regularly from Monday 24th August 2009
The holders of a special contract can use the telephone assistance service every weekday from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 a.m. to midday and from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m.
This service can be accessed at any time by stipulating a contract, which can last between 1 and 12 months.
For the holders of at least one Super-Flash licence, our technicians are available free of charge every Tuesday and Thursday morning, from 9.30 a.m. to midday.
For further information on the services provided by Automa you can call number or write to the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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May 2009
Number 30 May 2009 - What Energy!!
Energy is one of the most common words of all on the World Wide Web. The upward race of oil prices, which only recently braked abruptly, has highlighted the risk of one's own economy having to depend on the countries producing crude oil. Therefore the energy sector has been and still is going through a period of extreme upheaval. Some topics, such as energy saving, energy efficiency, production of renewable sources, or at least alternatives to oil, have become common knowledge. Many companies have invested precisely in these matters.
For the past few years Automa, too, has been preparing its entry into the Energy sector. The second half of 2009 will see a series of important announcements devoted to this specific subject.
To learn more and to indicate your possible interest in the subject of energy, you can contact the Automa staff directly by telephone, on, or via e-mail at the address: sales@automa.it.
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Number 29 May 2009 - Portable Energy Data Manager
You cannot improve what you cannot measure!

For this reason, as a first step into the Energy sector, and more specifically into the sphere of energy efficiency, Automa has selected and proposes an effective metering system which contains all the characteristics needed to become a work tool for anybody wanting to see to energy efficiency of their own machines and plants or those of their customers.
It is a portable instrument for metering consumption and quality of electric energy. It is a valid support for the energy auditing activity, which is the basis of all energy efficiency projects. Metering before and after each intervention, allows an accurate check of the effective efficiency of each project and is often a requirement in order to be able to take advantage of the concessions foreseen by law for investments aimed at improving efficiency of one's plants.
The product is aimed at machine and plant manufacturers, consultants working in the field of efficient and rational use of electric energy, data managers and maintenance personnel of every company.
With this tool, able to record up to 60 days of data in full autonomy, it becomes possible to create a historical record to document the true effectiveness of an intervention aimed at improving energy efficiency, either in your own technical office or at the end customer's premises.
The instrument is supplied with an RS232 serial cable and standard analysis software. Comunication, over a serial line, implements the standard ModBus protocol.
It can be supplied with or without the transport case. The choice is yours to have either the current pliers or the openable CTs supplied.
Automa can provide the technical support for the product and a course on use of the instrument and its relative analysis software.
To place orders, or to obtain more information about the Portable Energy Data Manager, you can contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 28 May 2009 - Symbol Factory: symbols and images for automation
Those who deal with SCADA/HMI applications often need to make or find images and symbols so as to be able to produce mimic diagrams and effective operating panels which are pleasant to look at.
Making these images takes time and needs graphic and creative skills which are often not among those typical of technicians specialised in programming and automation. For this reason one tends to look for image galleries on the Internet. Unfortunately, these galleries are almost never directed at SCADA/HMI, and the possibility of recycling them for your own applications is not always clear.
To give their Super-Flash customers a hand, Automa has stipulated a resale contract with Software Toolbox which produces the Symbol Factory library. This is a library of images specially studied for the industrial environment. The product is supplied with a licence for a single station. The images exported can be freely integrated into your own SCADA/HMI applications.
Symbol Factory produces images in various graphic formats which can be used in most of the SCADA/HMI products present on the market.
To get a demonstration version of Symbol Factory, or for an offer, an order, or further information, please contact our sales staff directly on or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 27 May 2009 - Ettore Majorana Technical Institute
The Ettore Majorana Technical Institute in Seriate is, for the province of Bergamo, a benchmark for higher training of automation, telecommunication, electronic and home automation technicians. Within a development plan aimed at creating collaboration and synergy between schools and companies, a few months ago Automa and Majorana stipulated an initial agreement for supplying Super-Flash licences destined for the professional electronics laboratory.
In the perspective of constant technological upgrading of their technical equipment, Majorana has now completed network installation of 10 Super-Flash stations all interconnected, by means of OPC, to the EIB bus of the home automation system set up by their own laboratory. At the same time, a training programme for the teachers involved in the laboratory activities has been completed.
This means that, during the final stages of their study course, the students will have the chance to work with a real system able to manage the plants in a medium-sized building, and to combine PLC-based systems with other EIB-based systems with a single human-machine interface (HMI).
For further information about the Automa proposal for schools, to indicate Technical Institutes which may be interested, or to take part as a sponsor of local schools, please contact our sales staff directly on or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 26 May 2009 - Bridge holiday on 1st June 2009
Super-Flash users know they can count on a highly qualified telephone assistance service, provided directly by the developers of the product.
In view of the national holiday on Tuesday 2nd June, Automa will also close its offices on Monday 1st June 2009. The telephone assistance service will be suspended on these dates.
On 3rd June, refreshed after a brief break, our technicians will take up their assistance activity again at full rhythm.
For those who have signed a special contract, we remind you that it is possible to use the telephone assistance service every week day from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 a.m. to midday and from 2.30 to 5.30 p.m. It is possible to access this service at any time by stipulating a contract which can last between 1 and 12 months.
For holders of at least one Super-Flash licence, our technicians are available free of charge every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 9.30 a.m. to midday.
For information about the services provided by Automa you can call number or write to the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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April 2009
Number 25 April 2009 - SmartDB
It is requested more and more often to be able to integrate the SCADA/HMI applications in the company information system. Control of actual production costs, traceability of production lots or raw materials, monitoring efficiency, maintenance, etc. are some of the needs behind these requests for integration. This request is often generically labelled as "data collection", although, by digging a bit deeper, you can rapidly understand that the real needs of customers are not quite so clearly identifiable.
In any case, for all integration requirements, the database is the best technology for connection of SCADA/HMI applications to the higher level (MES).
For the Super-Flash applications, Automa makes SmartDB available - a powerful tool allowing publication and consultation of data in one or several tables of one or more databases. Fully compatible with the ODBC standard, SmartDB also offers the possibility of executing SQL commands.
SmartDB is powerful, solid, reliable and user-friendly. It makes integration of SCADA/HMI applications in company information systems simpler. The line or on-board machine stations can thereby find the processes to be carried out directly from the database, and publish the production data in real time.
SmartDB is available in the Royalty-Free and Runtime sales formulas. After having purchased the package, those who choose SmartDBRoyalty-Free can use it for an unlimited number of applications. On the other hand, those preferring the Runtime formula, purchase the licence for a single application. Thanks to this sales proposal our customers do not take on any investment risk since they only purchase the number of licences needed for a specific task.
The Runtime version can be downloaded free of charge from the freedownload section of our site: it contains a Runtime of 15 minutes which will allow assessment of the product functionality.
Automa is able to supply SmartDB, equipping it with all the services needed for the user: from training on the product and on database technology, to application advice for integrating the product in your own applications, to designing the data base appropriately and to making any analysis solutions of the published data.
For information about SmartDB, for demonstrations or orders, you can contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 24 April 2009 - Free Basic Course for Super-Flash
Super-Flash is an environment for aided development of SCADA/HMI applications. It is reliable, compact, user-friendly and economical.
Starting to work with Super-Flash is easy: simply connect up to our site and download the Runtime version of the development system free of charge from the freedownload section. With this version, it is possible to develop SCADA/HMI applications with the only restriction being the operating time, which is limited to 15 minutes for each run. In order for the application made to have an unlimited duration, it is necessary to purchase a Runtime licence, to be chosen among the 8 sizes available (from 50 to 30,000 variables and alarms).
Apart from the traditional offer of customised courses, to simplify an initial approach to Super-Flash, Automa also organises group courses lasting 4 hours, with a predetermined programme, aimed at making it possible for the participants to make a simple HMI application by themselves.
Automa proposes a basic course on Super-Flash, at its head offices in Gorle, on 21st Maggio 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m..
The course is aimed at all those who do not yet know Super-Flash and want to understand its potential the how to use it.
Attendance is free but, as the places available are limited, booking is indispensable.
For further information on the basic course on Super-Flash or to enrol in the event, please contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 23 April 2009 - Presentation of Super-Flash 4.1.0 Beta
On 22nd April last, a presentation of the novelties introduced in the first Beta (4.1.0) of the forthcoming 4.1 version of Super-Flash was held at Automa.
We should like to remind you that the forthcoming version (the 4.1) of Super-Flash has a single important objective: reducing development times for applications of medium complexity.
In view of the reactions of those who took part in the event and from the first comments received from those who have actually used Beta 0, it is clear that the objective announced has been widely achieved.
The new method for managing files, the extension of the graphic editor commands, the new methods for editing the programs and the new and powerful MICROC program editor, leave no doubts that the objective of a significant reduction in development times has been reached.
The participants were given a prospectus in which all the points already included or proposed for inclusion in the forthcoming version are summarised. As always, Automa, which pays great attention to the requirements of Super-Flash users, asked those who took part to play an active role in identifying the performances felt to be most effective for fully achieving the objectives set.
The next step towards the final 4.1 version will lie in making Beta 1 (4.1.1). Once again, highly important extensions for this Beta are foreseen, which will have a considerable impact on the development times of applications. Following Beta 1, we shall head directly towards issuing the official 4.1 version.
In view of the numerous requests, Automa has decided to organise another event dedicated to the forthcoming new version of Super-Flash on Wednesday 20th Maggio 2009, from 9:00 a.m. to midday, at its head offices in Gorle.
Attendance is free, but enrolment is compulsory.
For further information on the presentation of the new Beta version, or to enrol in the event, you can contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 22 April 2009 -Technical demonstration of Ethernet/serial converters
The technical presentation of the ATOP Ethernet/serial converters which Automa held in Gorle (BG) on 22nd April 2009 was greatly appreciated.
Both configuration of the devices and use of VirtualCom for these products in situations where it is not possible to modify the existing software were illustrated practically and in detail.
The connections with Siemens PLC were also demonstrated: an old S5, programming port and a more recent S7-200. The gateway of ModBus TCP/IP-ModBus RTU/ASCII protocol, which allows easy interfacing with the Ethernet and serial world when the ModBus protocol is used, was also shown. The flexibility of this device also allows highly complex architectures to be faced, with the possibility of freely defining the communication master and slave roles, both on serial and on Ethernet. In view of its success and given the requests of those who could not take part in the event, Automa is organising a repeat of the event on Thursday 21st Maggio 2009, from 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at its head offices in Gorle.
With the aim of encouraging direct experimentation of the devices, Automa offers each participant the possibility of purchasing the Ethernet/Serial converters (SE5001-S2 and SE5001-S5) at the special price of € 58.00+ IVA each. This promotion is for a maximum of two pieces for each person taking part. The devices ordered will be delivered directly during the presentation.
We remind you that ATOP produces devices for industrial communication: from Ethernet-serial converters, to industrial switches and wireless and Wi-Fi products. The list of the ATOP products distributed by Automa can be consulted on our site in the hardware section (at present only in the Italian version). An easily downloadable data sheet is also available for each product.
Attendance is free but, as the number of places is limited, it is indispensable to book.
PFor further information about the event, or to make a booking, or to order the devices in the sales promotion, you can contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 21 April 2009 - Super-Flash OPC Client v.1.3
The new release of the Super-Flash Client OPC has been released and made available in the download and freedownload sections of our site.
For further information on SFOPC Client, please telephone number or write to the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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March 2009
Number 20 March 2009 - Super-Flash 4.1 Beta
The 4.1.0 Beta version of Super-Flash has been officially released and made available.
The Runtime and Royalty-Free versions can be downloaded from the freedownload and download sections of our site respectively.
We should like to remind you that the freedownload section is completely free, whereas download is reserved for owners of Royalty-Free licences and of the relative activated updating service.

Here are some of the performances which have been inserted:

Archive Management
  • Re-designing the property windows of the elements in all the archive files. The information on each element is immediately available and can be modified from a single window
  • Additions of numerous detailed fields on the general display page of the elements in each file, to allow the element required to be found rapidly, without the need to access the detail page

Pages/Graphic Editor
  • Automatic search/replace function for the fonts of the objects selected, even mixed ones
  • New tools for automatically adapting the dimensions of the objects: adapt the contents to container and vice versa
  • File selection facilitated by means of storage of the latest selection paths of icons, fonts and modules
  • Hereditability of the settings (fonts selected, background image, etc.) down to creation of a new page

  • New Editor of the programs, with a more spontaneous and efficient insertion method
  • Management of enabling/disabling each program instruction

  • New Editor for sources, oriented towards the problem - very powerful, with various functionalities: multi document, self completion, help regarding function parameters, search and replace, etc. To allow maximum flexibility, at least for the time being, it has been implemented as an external tool

  • Simplified and optimised definition of the variables with system peripheral
  • Setting the limit values, by means of pushbuttons, dynamically adapted to the size of the variable

  • Selection, with a direct selection window, of the printouts among those automatically found in the system

For further information on the new Beta version, you can contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 19 March 2009 - What an Idea!!
With the 4.1.0 Beta version of Super-Flash, a new editor has been introduced for MICROC programs. Up to the 4.0 version, users could configure their own external editor, using Notepad as the default editor, whereas there was no specialised editor for the MICROC programs.
The new editor for MICROC is called IDEA and is based on SciTE and Scintilla, - two free source code projects. Scintilla is a specialised component for editing, particularly oriented at operations for editing and debugging programming language sources.
is a powerful editor of texts based on Scintilla.
is the new editor for MICROC programs based on SciTE.
Here are some of the functionalities Idea makes available:
  • Multi-document
  • Self-completion
  • Help regarding the parameters of MICROC functions
  • Search and replace
  • Etc.
At least for the time being, in order to allow maximum flexibility it has been implemented as an external tool. The MICROC program editor can be configured by selecting to use either the internal Idea, editor, or the general editor or a customised editor.
Automa organises free presentations aimed at those who would like to examine the new functionalities inserted in the Beta 4.1.0 version in more depth.
For further information on IDEA and on the new Beta version, you can contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 18 March 2009 - Presentation of Super-Flash 4.1.0 Beta
The new 4.1.0 version of Super-Flash has a single important objective: to reduce the time for developing applications of medium complexity.
Since a Beta version of the product is now available, Automa has organised a series of presentations at its head offices in Gorle to make learning it easy and to carry out a closer examination of the new functionalities introduced in Super-Flash.
The first presentation is programmed for 22nd April 2009, from 9:00 a.m. to midday. The product development team will present the new functionalities which have been implemented and answer any detailed queries the participants may have.
The road map of the imminent Beta will be provided until release of the final 4.1 version. Attendance is free, but enrolment is compulsory.
For further information about the presentation of the new Beta version, or to enrol for the event, you can contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 17 March 2009 - SendSMS and modem
The demand for integration of the SCADA/HMI applications made with Super-Flash, are becoming increasingly diversified. Automa offers a wide range of connection possibilities, both with the field and with the production management level. Among the various communication possibilities, Automa proposes SendSMS, a driver which allows a Super-Flash application to send SMS's by means of a GSM modem.
The product is supplied both in the Runtime and in the Royalty-Free modes
Automa proposes the Erco&Gener modem, a rich series of models prepared for all possible application requirements. Their Integrated TCP/IP Stack, direct I/O and the possibility of programming in Open AT, make these modems extremely versatile.
For Super-Flash users every modem is supplied with a free SendSMS Runtime licence.
For orders, or for further information about SendSMS and the modems, you can contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 16 March 2009 - Technical demonstration of ATOP products
At the end of 2008, ATOP and Automa signed an agreement which qualifies Automa as official distributor for Italy. With the aim of making the ATOP products better known, Automa has organised a technical presentation dedicated to the Ethernet/serial converters.
The event will have a purely technical approach and will be a chance to verify the methods for using the serial/Ethernet and ModBus TCP/IP-ModBus RTU/ASCII converters hands-on.
We remind you that ATOP produces devices for industrial communication: from Ethernet-serial converters, to industrial switches, wireless and Wi-Fi products. The list of ATOP products distributed by Automa can be consulted in the hardware, section of our site (at present only in the Italian version). An easily downloadable datasheet is also available for each product.
The event will take place from 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. on 22nd April 2009, at the head offices of Automa in Gorle, in the province of Bergamo.
Attendance is free, but since there are a limited number of places, booking is indispensable.
For further information about the event, or to make a booking, please contact our sales staff directly by telephone on, or via e-mail at the address: sales@automa.it.
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Number 15 March 2009 - ModBus TCP/IP - ModBus RTU/ASCII Converters
In advanced networks, to solve the problem of integration of peripherals only fitted with an RS232/422/485 serial line, Automa proposes the low cost simple-to-use Ethernet/serial converters.
Automa announces that an intelligent converter is now available, able not only to convert the physical means from serial to Ethernet, but also to convert the ModBus serial protocol into ModBus TCP/IP.
This means different connection architectures to ModBus peripherals can be solved simply. It is fitted with 2 LAN 10/100 ports and is available in the versions with 2, 4, 8 and 16 serial ports. Each serial port can be configured as RS232, RS422 or RS485.
For further information on the ModBus TCP/IP - ModBus RTU/ASCII converter, please contact Automa on number or at the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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February 2009
Number 14 February 2009 - Innovation? Yes, please!!
One often speaks about the need to use technological innovation as a tool to face moments of crisis on the market, but what is technological innovation? Visiting companies which produce machines and plants, one sometimes has the impression that they don't know where to start to face the subject. It's true that Italian companies offer flexibility as their added value compared to foreign competitors, i.e. the capacity, even during construction of a machine or plant, to find specific technical solutions to satisfy the end customer's needs and which come to light during the installation and start-up stages.
However, during the critical market phase, the need to limit costs drives manufacturers to limit this flexibility. This ends up by greatly decreasing the end customer's interest in the Italian products. The subject of technological innovation must therefore be faced in a much more structured way. But, from the point of view of automation, what are the technological qualifiers to be taken into serious consideration as an element of innovation? To understand the present and future, it is often worthwhile to refer to the past and to try, with hindsight as well, to assess what has really happened.
Let us therefore take three examples referring to the past:

Introduction of SCADA/HMI systems able to interact efficiently with operators has considerably changed automation. Let us think of mimic diagrams as a tool for monitoring a plant. Nowadays in 17, 19, 27, 32 "inches", one can, on request, happily make dozens and dozens of animated graphic pages representing the plant down to its minute details pass without any problems. Who can't remember the traditional mimic diagrams spread over several square metres of aluminium panels full of screen-printed drawings and red and green LEDs? Nice to look at when newly installed: after a short time they filled up with "on the fly modifications" up to the point where one had to "redo everything", or rather throw away the old panels and make new ones. The ones with "mosaics" went a bit better, but at what cost in the end? Furthermore, for economical reasons the traditional mimic diagrams were almost always reduced to bare essentials. Nowadays, with the SCADA/HMI it is easy to make effective, animated and extended graphic mimic diagrams, where changing or adding a page becomes a matter of a few hours. The same can be said for the controls and for setting the process parameters. The control rooms were full of consoles with pushbuttons, selectors, contraves and displays. Now the keyboard of a PC or terminal or even just the screen, becomes a practical console from which all commands can be given and each operation parameter modified. .

Field Bus
From the beginning of the '90s, fieldbus (CanBus, ProfiBus, Fip, etc.) have completely changed the way of dealing with automation. The cabling and installation costs of complex plants have gone down drastically. The plants have become easier to extend. Functionalities and architectures which we take for granted today, were not at all possible before the advent of the various field buses

Remote Assistance (Teleassistance)
Now, following a few years of "reserve", most machine and plant manufacturers have finally got equipped so as to be able to offer customers a Remote Assistance service. This subject, being more recent, can be effective in order to under stand how, even in view of the evident advantage both for the supplier and for the end customer, this technology has in any case been accepted rather late by many Italian companies. Remote Assistance brings the customer closer and makes opportunities possible which were unthinkable before simply because of the geographic distances and relative intervention times. Previously, the tendency was to make the supply, possibly follow up the customer for the warranty period and then, basically abandon the field. Nowadays technology allows customer relationships to be kept up more easily during the subsequent period.

But what technological qualifiers could there be to take into consideration nowadays? Here are a few of them:

Ethernet and TCP/IP
At least from the point of view of the architectures and connections, Ethernet and TCP/IP create the conditions to radically simplify the control part, communication with SCADA/HMI systems and integration towards the company information systems of the end customer. The appearance of "deterministic" or "pseudo-deterministic" Ethernet standards also allows use of this technology for a large percentage of the I/O in the system.

The increasingly concrete possibility of also applying wireless technologies in the industrial sphere is the basis for a real revolution in the field of automation. The definition of standards and full technological compatibility (e.g. in the case of Wi-Fi) with TCP/IP and therefore Ethernet, opens up the road to automation solutions unimaginable up to now. Whereas the field buses have certainly added a second dimension to automation, wireless technology will add a third which, within a few years, will radically change the way of thinking about the automation system.

Remote Assistance
Remote Assistance (Teleassistance) can be considered a kind of "First Aid", i.e. a function which can be considered indispensable, at least at this time. By definition, however, Teleassistance offers the possibility of intervening when a problem has already occurred. Today's technology is sufficiently mature to allow true Remote Management (Telemanagement) systems to be made. Automatic and targeted collection of machine and plant operating data and their analysis, allow management services to be activated which can be very useful for the customer. Just think, for example, of preventive maintenance. A Remote Management tool could considerably reduce the on-site time of skilled technicians during the start-up stages and would become a precious source of information for the technical office with an eye to better understanding of how their machines or plants really operate.

SCADA/HMI parametric Applications
With regard to the human/machine interfacing applications, today's challenge may be in "parametric" applications, i.e. those able to be adapted rapidly, and without the need for development systems, to the requirements of the new installation. This would allow installations to be made without involving specific SCADA competences and with an even higher level of reliability (the application would always be the same)..

A reliable partner

In view of the complexity of the new technologies, and the speed with which they are developing, it is unthinkable for a machine or plant manufacturer to be able to dedicate themselves completely to exploring these by themselves. It is much more advantageous to turn to good account the collaboration of a valid technological partner. Apart from its traditional supply of products, Automa also offers their technological and systems competence, and their twenty years of experience in automation systems, to help companies study, assess and set up innovative technical solutions able to exploit the technological qualifiers, to allow improvement of their position on the market.

To fix a meeting to evaluate the contribution Automa can offer on the subject of technological innovation, please contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 13 February 2009 - Super-Flash 4.1 Beta
As already announced in the latest issues of AutomaNews, the first Beta version Super-Flash 4.1 will be made available in March. We should like to remind you that the aim of this forthcoming version is drastic reduction of the time needed to develop applications of medium complexity.

Here are just some of the performances which have been inserted:

Archive File Management
  • Re-designing the property windows of the elements in all the archive files. The information on each element is immediately available and can be modified from a single window
  • Additions of numerous detailed fields on the general display page of the elements in each file, to allow the element required to be found rapidly, without the need to access the property window

Pages/Graphic Editor
  • Automatic search/replace function for the fonts of the objects selected, even mixed ones
  • New tools for automatically adapting the dimensions of the objects: adapt the contents to container and vice versa
  • File selection facilitated by means of storage of the latest selection paths of icons, fonts and modules
  • Hereditability of the settings (fonts selected, background image, etc.) down to creation of a new page

  • New Editor of the programs, with a more spontaneous and efficient insertion method
  • Management of enabling/disabling each program instruction

  • New Editor for sources, oriented towards the problem - very powerful, with various functionalities: multi document, self completion, help regarding function parameters, search and replace, etc. To allow maximum flexibility, at least for the time being, it has been implemented as an external tool

  • Definition of variables with system peripheral has been simplified and optimised
  • Setting the limit values, by means of pushbuttons, dynamically adapted to the size of the variable

  • Direct selection of the printer among those automatically found in the system

For further information on the new Beta version, you can contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 12 February 2009 - Super-Flash Runtime
Super-Flash is a highly reliable and compact development system for SCADA/HMI applications. It is proposed in the Royalty-Free and Runtime modes.
The Royalty-Free mode foresees purchase of a development system which produces an unlimited number of applications free of Royalties. On the other hand, in the Runtime mode, the development system is completely free, free of charge and easily downloadable from the freedownload section on the Automa site. It is therefore possible, at zero cost, to start to develop SCADA/HMI applications.
The Runtime system downloaded from the Internet also includes a 15-minute licence of the Runtime engine, to provide the possibility of checking operation of the applications made. To be able to work without time limits, the applications made using the Runtime development system require a Runtime engine licence.
These licences are available in 8 different sizes, from 50 up to 30.000 variables.
The costs start from 300.00 € + IVA, for orders of one piece. To facilitate Start-Up, Automa offers an efficient training service: with a customised module of 4 hours, you can get to know the basics of the product and become immediately operative in making simple applications.
Then, given the "progressive" structure of Super-Flash, it will be easy to learn and gradually improve all the characteristics and performances of the product, even on your own.
For those possessing Super-Flash Royalty-Free licences, the Runtime version is an optimal solution to provide your end customers who require it, with a low cost development system.
For further information about Super-Flash Runtime you can contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 11 February 2009 - MicroC
Super-Flash users have the possibility of making applications without having to programme in traditional procedural languages. Super-Flash, however, also makes MicroC, available - a powerful embedded programming environment which uses C as the reference syntax. MicroC consists of a compiler and a Runtime engine.
The compiler is already integrated in the development system. The Runtime engine of MicroC is always integrated for those who possess the Royalty-Free licence, whereas when users of the Super-Flash Runtime Licence have to install an application, they have the possibility of choosing the Super-Flash Runtime licence with or without MicroC engine, according to their needs. With MICROC it is possible to create the programs which interact with the resources of the application created with Super-Flash.
Here are some of the characteristics of MicroC:
  • Up to 255 simultaneous programs, of 1 Mbyte each, in a single application
  • More than 500 ready-to-use library functions
  • Functions for defining the execution priorities of the programs
  • Controlled data sharing among the MicroC programs
  • Independent of the operating system

With MicroC it is possible to:
  • Process the data before sending them to the field (e.g. PLC) or towards the management systems (e.g. MES)
  • Modify the runtime characteristics and addressing of the variables
  • Create complex applications using fewer variables of the development system, reducing the size of the applications and the cost of the RUNTIME licences
  • Create complex calculated variables
  • Develop communication drivers
  • Develop processing drivers
  • Handle the trend, alarm and recipe data
  • Deferred recording on the basis of time history, alarms and trends
  • Create fully configurable applications
  • Create complex applications
  • ...

Since MicroC is already integrated in both the development system licences of Super-Flash, all the users have the possibility of starting to use it right away and without any licence costs. Perhaps because they are worried about the complexity of programming in C, many do not yet use MicroC. This is a real pity because MicroC in no way has the complexity and trickiness of traditional C compilers.
Furthermore, being a language at the service of Super-Flash, it is possible to learn to use it in a very gradual way: the first v programme can really just be a couple of lines!! To bring everybody a bit closer to this powerful work tool, and thereby allow them to exploit the advantages offered by MicroC, Automa proposes customised training modules, graded according to the actual competence and needs of the customer.
To know more and to show your possible interest, you can contact Automa's sales staff directly by telephone on, or via e-mail at the address: sales@automa.it.
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Number 10 February 2009 - Erco & Gener Modem
Erco&Gener's proposal, with regard to modems, is very rich and has models for all requirements.
The GenPro24e model is a GSM-GPRS Quad-Band modem. Apart from the classic standard fittings: RS232, Microphone input, Loudspeaker output and Antenna, this model also makes the following available:
  • 3 opto-insulated digital inputs and an Open-Collector output
  • TCP/IP Stack (PPP, RFC, TCP Socket, UDP Socket, SMTP, POP3, FTP protocols)
  • Programmability in Open AT environment

The product is certified as being installable on means of transport ("e-label" automotive). It is an extremely versatile model which can be used in many different applications. The inputs/outputs, programmability and TCP/IP stack mean that it can also be used as the central component of remote communication applications.
The list of Erco&Gener products distributed by Automa can be consulted in the hardware section on our site. An easily downloadable datasheet in PDF format is also available for each product.
For further information, please contact Automa on number or at the e-mail address sales@automa.it.
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January 2009
Number 9 January 2009 - Happy 2009!!
The beginning of a new year is always a good chance to confirm, renew or re-adjust one's objectives. For many sectors, 2009 would appear to be a problematic year. The difficulties arising from the financial crisis have had a very strong impact on the so-called "real economy", or rather on the actual activities of individual companies and on their possibility of investing. In these situations there are companies which must work on their efficiency by reducing costs, whereas others choose to invest in order to come up with innovative solutions which will allow them to have a competitive edge over the market. The industrial automation market is also going through a noticeably difficult period. In this context, Automa puts itself forward as a partner able to satisfy both the needs of those who are trying to reduce costs and those who intend to concentrate their efforts on innovation.
For those who develop SCADA/HMI applications, Automa proposes Super-Flash, - a solution featuring high reliability and a very limited cost. Apart from traditional supply of products, Automa also offers its technological and system competence, along with its twenty-year experience in automation systems, to help companies study, assess and set up innovative technical solutions which will be able to improve their market position.
Well-studied technological innovations are often shown to be the best means to allow a structural and significant reduction in costs of your finished product, at the same time increasing the performances and functionalities offered.
To fix a meeting to assess the contribution Automa can offer on the subject of technological innovation, please contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 8 January 2009 - Super-Flash 4.1 Beta
The first Beta version Super-Flash 4.1 will be made available in the course of the coming month of March.
We should like to remind you that the aim of the next version is drastic reduction of the time needed to develop applications of medium complexity. Reliability and low costs are two values which have been widely recognised by the market. Now, with the 4.1, Automa wants to concentrate its efforts towards giving its customers a further competitive advantage: rapidity in developing applications, even those which are not commonplace.
For further information, please contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 7 January 2009 - Presentation of ATOP products
At the end of 2008, ATOP and Automa signed an agreement which qualifies Automa as the official distributor for Italy. With the aim of spreading direct knowledge of the ATOP, products, Automa has organised a technical presentation dedicated to these.
The Area Manager who follows the Italian market will be present for ATOP.
The event will provide the chance to go into the technical side in depth so as to have a clear picture of the characteristics, possibilities and functionalities of the ATOP products distributed and supported by Automa. We remind you that ATOP produces devices for industrial communication: from Ethernet-serial converters, to industrial switches, to wireless and Wi-Fi products.
It is possible to consult the list of ATOP products distributed by Automa in the hardware section on our site. An easily downloadable datasheet is also available for each product.
The event will take place from 9 a.m. to midday on 17th February 2009, at the Automa head offices in Gorle, in the province of Bergamo. Attendance is free of charge but, as places are limited, it is absolutely necessary to book.
For further information about the event, or to make a booking, please contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 6 January 2009 - Course on SmartDB
SmartDB is a product which allows the applications made with Super-Flash, to publish, read and process the data of one or more tables or several databases, either local or remote. Fully compatible with the ODBC standard, it also offers the possibility of carrying out SQL commands. It is the ideal tool for connecting HMI applications with company information systems, or for publication of operating or production data, destined to be used by means of web applications directed at the problem. Being aware of their customers' difficulty in dedicating a lot of space to training, and with the aim of helping an initial approach to SmartDB Automa proposes very short, highly intense and efficacious training modules (4 hours), which provide the basic instruments to become immediately operational, or in any case able to carry out further in-depth analyses efficiently. The aim of the course is precisely that of allowing those who take part to save the time which they would need to carry out an in-depth analysis by themselves. The next course on SmartDB will be held on 19th February 2009, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The course is aimed at technicians who know MicroC.
The cost of the course is € 300.00 + VAT.
For orders and to book courses, or for further information about the course, please contact our sales staff directly on, or via and-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 5 January 2009 - New ATOP products
2009 starts of with important novelties which enlarge the range of industrial networking solutions proposed by ATOP. These new announcements definitely show the strong willpower of ATOP to get onto the European market, aiming at innovative solutions, set up with the hearty collaboration of the national distributors.

Worldwide absolute novelty: industrial Client which transports an Ethernet and 2 RS232/422/485 over Wi-Fi
Industrial Access Point, Wi-Fi with 2.4 GHz. Operates as a client, repeater and bridge. Supports fast roaming
Ethernet Switch with 5 Ports, IP67, not managed, external with M12 connectors
Serial-Ethernet Converter with 2 ports, IP67, external with M12 connectors
Modbus RTU <--> TCP/IP Converters with 2, 4, 8 and16 ports

Through Automa, the networking division of ATOP is able to carry out customisations on these devices to satisfy specific requests of customers interested in innovating their industrial communication solutions.
You can consult the list of ATOP products distributed by Automa on our site in the hardware section. An easily downloadable datasheet is also available for each product.
For further information about the ATOP products, or to ask for an offer, please contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 4 January 2009 - Hardware protection of Super-Flash licences
The Super-Flash Royalty-Free and Runtime licences are currently available with various different protection devices:
  • Parallel dongle
  • USB dongle
  • USB-PD dongle, with integrated Pen Drive (with 512 MByte, with 1 or with 2 GByte)
  • Software enablement code (only for Runtime Licences)

Already back in 2008 we had noticed the difficulty of providing protection on parallel dongles: now, in 2009, these devices are out of production and therefore no longer available. Automa has its own small reserve for dealing with emergencies. We invite all those who possess parallel protection dongles to take advantage of the services for replacement with USB dongles.
For further information about parallel dongles, please contact our sales staff directly on, or via e-mail at: sales@automa.it.
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Number 3 January 2009 - Hiring parallel Super-Flash dongles
The Super-Flash Royalty-Free and Runtime licences foresee both parallel and USB dongles as the protection device. Since the parallel interfaces of the various industrial and office PCs are now disappearing, we remind you that Automa offers a "parallel dongle replacement" service. By returning a parallel dongle an equivalent USB dongle is provided at a cost of € 300.00 + VAT + transport costs. However, without the parallel dongle it is no longer possible to execute the Super-Flash versions prior to 3.3. There is certainly still the possibility of importing the old projects into the more recent versions of Super-Flash.
For those who, in any case, may still need to work with old versions of the Super-Flash, development system, Automa has devised a low-cost hire service with a monthly rental fee of € 350.00 + VAT + transport costs..
For further information, please contact Automa on number or at the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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Number 2 January 2009 - Personal GPS Mini-Tracker
Personal Mini-Tracker with GPS function (14 satellites), GSM-GPRS communication and voice call management. Has 2 user-programmable Pushbuttons, 4 LED functions, integrated microphone and loudspeaker, motion and vibration detector, and GEO-FENCING function to send alarms via SMS or GPRS when the zone, whose range can be set by the user, has been overstepped (up to 25 zones). Configurable and programmable by means of AT commands, external connections for USB and earphone, and 1300 mA/h internal battery rechargeable via USB.
The list of Erco&Gener products distributed by Automa can be consulted in the hardware section on our site. An easily downloadable datasheet is also available for each product.
For further information, please contact Automa on number or at the e-mail address:sales@automa.it.
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Number 1 January 2009 - Extremely easy serial wireless with Bluetooth
Automa continues its activity of selecting hardware and software devices which can be useful for those who work in SCADA/HMI applications for industrial applications. Here is an interesting device which offers the possibility of easily eliminating serial connection wires. The GenBlue 15e - GenBlue 19e DCE - GenBlue 19e DTE are the Bluetooth 2.0 (class1) Adapter models for point-to-point radio connections.
They are available in two different versions:
  • With DB15 connector for connection to Erco&Gener Genloc-Genpro (GenBlue15e) series of modems
  • With DB9 (DTE-DCE) connector for connections to RS232 standard ports (GenBlue19e)

The list of Erco&Gener products distributed by Automa can be consulted in the hardware section on our site. An easily downloadable datasheet is also available for each product.
For further information, please contact Automa on number or at the e-mail address: sales@automa.it.
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