AutomaNews 2021 |
December 2021
![]() To be able to still take advantage of 50% you must make orders by 31/12/2021 and proceed with payment of at least a 20%deposit, then finish the interconnection by 30/6/2022. Only a few more days left. At the moment, in the legislative draft, it seems that for software in Annex B, the tax discount remains 20%; but there is no certainty that it will not be amended. So we suggest you carefully evaluate and anticipate any software orders. In this regard, we remind you that the software provided embedded with the interconnected goods benefits from the same tax discount (50%, for now) reserved for the purchased goods. It is therefore convenient for the end user to get all the necessary software for the interconnection from the machine supplier. We continue to argue that, in order to really push the digitisation process in Italy, a strong incentive for software projects is needed. In fact there is no interconnection without software. Interconnection is ... software. It should be at least 50%, or more. It would take a 110% Super bonus for software! In the meantime, it is better to take advantage of at least the 20% tax discount on the purchase of software both under license and for personalisations or custom developments. For further information on Industry 4.0, on the software or software orders, you can contact our sales staff on + or via e-mail at
For Christmas, our offices will remain closed from 24 December 2021 to 7 January 2022.
The telephone support service is suspended for the same period.
November 2021
![]() Here is a video of PATLITE relevant to the WD system. ![]() Ideal for manual assembly, testing, control stations, it is now also perfect for collecting machine data, without having to pass through the PLC or the integrated HMI. AirGriDaCo+WD is exceptional for departments that frequently change production layout. Being based on wireless technology, simply move the station where you want and this is always interconnected.
AirGriDaCo makes setup of Andon information panels easy to support production and implement Escalation procedures of alarms and faults. Installs easily. The events detected are published on the corporate database or exportable on a CSV file. Available in in various sizes and can be the starting point for customised versions that Automa can develop based on specific customer requirements. A Starter KIT is also available with a single tower. For further information on AirGriDaCo or for free presentation, contact our sales staff on + or via e-mail at
NWithin the optic of optimising the choice of new functionalities in version 4.7 of Super-Flash, Automa has prepared a small questionnaire intended for users of Super-Flash. The objective of this questionnaire is to have direct feedback from those developing in relation to new functionalities added in the current version 4.6. This will help us better understand in which directions to push the new functionalities of the next version 4.7.
This is the questionnaire link: The online compilation only takes a few minutes and for us it is very important to know the opinion of those developing with Super-Flash.
October 2021
After years of "orientation" and various political attempts, for the National Digital Transition Plan (Industry 4.0) the time is now ripe to allow companies to make the most of this unique opportunity.
The market is full of "Industry 4.0 ready" machines. So you might think that just buying one of these machines, the connection in the company network, is enough to obtain the famous "interconnection", the essential prerequisite to be able to access the tax discounts provided by the 2021 Stability Act. Wrong!! ![]() With a few exceptions, "Industry 4.0 Ready" machines only provide the connection mode with external information systems, but do not address the most important issues of synchronisation and data structuring. In the best case a software project will have to be started to create the missing functionalities. And the cost of this project, often not foreseen by companies, will have the tax discount reduced by 20%. For a machine to be interconnectable, it is necessary that: 1. natively provides the possibility of receiving from the outside all the necessary information to fully define the work to be done; and not through the simple remote control of the machine SCADA/ HMI. 2. provide the data on the actual work in progress and that just completed 3. is directly or indirectly connected to the production logistics system, including the loading and unloading of the machine Unfortunately there are differences between end user and machine manufacturer in the way of understanding these points. While the client discusses the job order, the manufacturer of the machine is more focused on the concept of "recipe" or "configuration". The job order indicates which article you want to produce, in which quantity and for which client. The recipe defines how the machine must be adjusted so this can implement a certain item.. But this is just one of the aspects. The reality is that interconnection of the machines can be implemented correctly only by implementing a specific project that must precisely describe the objectives you intend pursuing and the technical solution most suitable to achieve them. To do so, specific skills are necessary that take into consideration the machine manufacturer's know-how with the end client's production needs. Automa has been implementing integration projects since 1987, therefore also developed with machines already present in the company and not necessarily new, taking advantage of the relief now also planned for revamping operations. It can offer definition services of the integration specifications, project development and support for the expert who must redraft the conformity report. The service is offered both to companies who must interconnect with machines and lines, and manufacturers who must help them insert in their machines the functionalities that most facilitate interconnection by its clients. For further information on Automa services offered for Industry 4.0 interconnection of machines and systems, you can contact our sales staff directly on + or via e-mail at
September 2021
![]() The LA6-PoE LEDS are RGB, therefore you can freely set the colours, also at runtime. The ability to create scenarios with frames that alternate in time or on triggers, allows you to define the very innovative uses of this tower. The buzzer, with 11 different sounds, can be inserted into the scenarios by configuring sound level and intermittence. There are many applications of this tower because it can be placed anywhere on PoE ports of the Ethernet, without any need for a dedicated power supply.. ![]() It can be used both to propagate the status of other signal towers and to effectively support the escalation procedures of alarm events managed by a SCADA The LA6-PoE tower is also supported by AirGriDaCo, the wireless data collection software for light towers developed by Automa for the PATLITE WD system. It can be directly piloted by Super-Flash applications with SFModBus TCP driver and Windows C++ ModBus TCP libraries. Automa also offers a specific training module for rapid and efficient learning of the configuration and communication capacities of the LA6-PoE. You can better know the product by looking at the video where Federico Di Pietro of PATLITE illustrates the features of the La6PoE smart tower: For further information on the LA6-PoE tower, on Super-Flash and on the ModBus libraries, contact our sales staff directly on + or via e-mail at
August 2021
Super-Flash is the development system for SCADA/HMI applications produced by Automa. On the market since 1989, it is offered both in Royalty-Free mode, purchase of the development system and free applications, and in Runtime mode with free development system and purchase of licenses for each application.
![]() The new 1.4 version of StartSF, is now available, an application, with sources, which demonstrates some of the features of Super-Flash up to version 4.6. Dynamically controlled animated gifs, runtime recolourable images, SVG support, XML manipulation, interaction with external executables and much more. These are just some of the features of version 4.6 that are added to all those already present from previous versions. StartSF is a useful application both for those who have never used Super-Flash and want to understand its functionalities, and for those who already use the product and want to check, looking at the sources, how the various features have been used. StartSFis completely free and is downloadable from the freedownload section of our website at the following link. Easy to download, free and easy to test. For further information on StartSF and Super-Flash contact our sales staff directly on + or via e-mail at
July 2021
We would like to inform you that our telephone support service will be suspended for the period from 07/8/2021 to 20/8/2021.
The service will start again on 23 August 2021.
![]() Here is the PATLITE video about the WD system Version 2.3 of AirGriDaCo extends support of WD PRO by PATLITE which, other than the light tower lighting, now makes available 8 digital inputs and a RS232 serial line. ![]() Ideal for manual assembly, testing and control stations, it now also becomes perfect for collecting data from machines without the difficulty of having to pass through the PLC or the integrated HMI. AirGriDaCo+WD PRO is exceptional for departments that frequently change production layout. Being based on wireless technology, simply move the station where you want and this is always interconnected.
AirGriDaCo makes setup of Andon information panels easy to support production and implement Escalation procedures of alarms and faults detected. AirGriDaCo Installs quickly. It allows configuration of a name on each tower, each light, each status of each light for a log. Therefore, the events log is self-explanatory. The events are published on the corporate database or exportable on a CSV file. AirGriDaCo is available in various sizes and can be the starting point for customised versions that Automa can develop based on specific customer requirements. A SDK for development and a starter kit composed of a receiver, tower, keypad and software licence are also available. For further information on products AirGriDaCo or for free presentation, contact our sales staff directly on + or via e-mail at
June 2021
With the Stability Act 2021, the possibility of taking advantage of tax discounts was also introduced for the revamping of machines and systems.
For old SCADA/HMI applications created using Super-Flash (maybe still working in DOS), the operation of porting to version 4.6 is possible ![]() The maintenance of the same graphical interface allows operators to continue to use the HMI in the same identical way, without inconvenience due to the change of operation. The savings could allow you to upgrade the architecture of the automation system, for example by bringing into Ethernet all the communications on the HMI, using serial servers, Ethernet gateways or Ethernet drivers that Automa offers for a direct connection with the PLC Ethernet port. Architecture upgrades that generally do not require changes to the PLC and that make the system more efficient, easier to manage and evolve. Finally, it will be possible to modify the updated application to interconnect it to the end customer's information system, using one of the various interconnection drivers available. For those unfamiliar with Super-Flash Automa, it offers full support both for the porting of old applications and for the development of the interconnection part with MES or other software layers of the customer's information system. Even for licenses and software developments you can benefit from a tax discount that, for 2021, has been increased to 20%. For further information on Super-Flash, on the possibility of porting and development of interconnection projects, contact our sales staff directly on + or via e-mail at
May 2021
Since the UA version was announced, OPC protocol has always been more used in an industrial environment. After overcoming the technological compatibility issues of the Classic OPC, the possibilities offered by platform independence make OPC-UA an absolute protagonist of industrial communication.
Automa makes available two different communication drivers OPC-UA:
Using the configuration tool, you can browse the servers and the items available online and make them available to your software.
The drivers are available in the freedownload section of our website. As for the other drivers, you can download it for free and use it. It is fully functional. Without activating a licence, it allows 15-minute continuous operation to allow functionality testing before proceeding with licence purchase. For further information on OPC-UAC drivers, contact our sales staff directly + or via e-mail at
Ethernet is increasingly being used for automation, and the 100 Mbit of simple Fast Ethernet is no longer enough. Often however, the Gigabit switches are too expensive and too big.
ATOP, the specialist in industrial networking, has clearly identified this need and has made available an excellent solution at low cost, with limited dimensions. These are EHG3305 and EHG3005 5-port Ethernet Gigabit switches, respectively with metal or plastic casing and different temperature range.
These switches are certified CE, FCC and UL/IEC. For further information or a quote on ATOP Ethernet industrial gigabit switches, you can contact our sales staff directly on + or via e-mail at |
Automa srl - sole partnership limited company - Via Don A. Mazzucotelli, 6 - 24020 Gorle (BG) - ITALY - Telephone: +39 - E-mail: PEC: - Share capital € 31,200.00 fully paid - VAT No. 01775590167 - Register of Companies No. BG01775590167 - REA No. 236172 |