AutomaNews 2022 |
December 2022
For Christmas, our offices will remain closed from 23 December 2022 to 6 January 2023.
The telephone support service is suspended for the same period. Activities will resume regularly on January 9, 2023.
The new 2023 Price List is being prepared and will be available in the second week of January 2023.
As a result of rising inflation and increased operating costs related to rising energy prices, an indicative increase of 5-7% is expected. We underline that the 2022 Price List amounts will remain valid for all orders, even open orders with deliveries in 2023, received in Automa by January 6, 2023. To book the 2023 Price List, or to get more information about the products featured, you can contact our sales staff directly at + or via e-mail at
Ethernet is increasingly being used at the automation level, and the 100 Mbit of Fast Ethernet is no longer enough. However, Gigabit switches are often still too expensive and too bulky.
ATOP, a company specializing in industrial networking, has well identified this need and has provided an excellent low-cost solution with limited bulk. These are the EHG3305 and EHG3005 5-port Gigabit Ethernet switches, respectively, with metal or plastic housing and different temperature range.
These switches are CE, FCC and UL/IEC certified. These are products with lead times of a few weeks. For more information or for a quote on ATOP industrial Gigabit Ethernet switches, you can contact our sales staff directly at + or via e-mail at
The development of the new 4.7 version of SUPER-FLASH continues at a fast pace.
![]() The next step will be the release of version 4.7 Beta 2, expected in a few weeks, indicatively in the second half of next January 2023. The Beta 2 version will be immediately usable, so you will get the relative benefits immediately. To give this possibility, the 4.7 Beta 2 development system will still save projects in a way that is compatible with v. 4.6 SP2. The new features are all concentrated in the development system, always with the goal of increasing the efficiency of those building SCADA-HMI applications. Increased efficiency that translates into faster time and lower development costs. For more information about version 4.7 Beta 2, or to book an availability notification, you can contact our sales staff directly at + or via e-mail at
November 2022
Due to the Immaculate Conception holiday, our offices will be closed on December 9, 2022.
Activities will resume regularly on December 12, 2022. Phone support service will also be suspended for the same day.
The Aid Decree (No. 50 of 17/5/2022) intervened to restate the tax benefit (Tax Credit) on Industry 4.0 Software, or intangible capital goods. The benefit is more than doubled from 20% to 50%.
This facilitation measure is included in the M1C2 mission of the NRRP called "Digitalization, innovation and competitiveness in the production system". Eligible software is listed in Annex B of Law No. 232 of December 11, 2016. The 50% tax benefit is available for expenses made in 2022. Purchases for Industry 4.0 Software made by 30/6/2023 can also be facilitated provided that, by 31/12/2022, the relevant orders are accepted by the vendor and payment of at least 20% of the purchase cost has been made. In any case, there are only a few weeks left to take advantage of the 50% discount on Industry 4.0 software. This is an important opportunity, not to be missed at all, to purchase software licenses useful for your work and to get all the integration and interconnection software projects that have been kept in the drawer until now off the ground. Then the Tax Credit will gradually reduce: : 20% in 2023; 15% in 2024, 10% in 2025. Software products supplied by Automa are included in Annex B and are eligible for this important facility. In addition to ready-to-use products, Automa also develops software dedicated to machine and plant interconnections to the MES and ERP levels. These application developments are also covered by the facilitation. For more information about the software products offered by Automa please contact our sales staff directly at +, or via e-mail at
Last phase of the year with rush to interconnections under the Transition 4.0 plan, ex-Industry 4.0.
By now, most machines have been equipped with OPC-UA servers to facilitate interconnection projects. ![]() OPC-UA is becoming the most widely used protocol for these projects. To support developers of MES or production management systems, Automa has made available the OPC-UAC driver (DLL), a Client for Windows environment. t is often the case that developers/integrators of production management systems have not yet delved into the OPC-UAprotocol: having a ready-to-use driver can be an undoubted advantage and an added value and, especially this late in the year, the fastest way to implement an interconnection project. Using the built-in configuration tool, you can browse the various OPC-UA servers and items found on networked machines and make them available to your software. The OPC-UAC driver is available in the freedownload section of our site. The download is free of charge. Without activating the license, the driver will run for 15 minutes each time, so you can test the functionality before purchasing. For developers who prefer, for the MES side, to use SQL Databases, Automa is able to develop specific software gateways that act as a pure interface between MES and SCADA/HMI or that also implement typical application logic to meet the peculiar requirements of I4.0 interconnections. For more information on PC-UAC driver and I4.0 interconnections you can contact our sales staff directly at + or via e-mail at
Due to the Immaculate Conception holiday, our offices will be closed on December 9, 2022.
Activities will resume regularly on December 12, 2022. Phone support service will also be suspended for the same day.
Ethernet is increasingly being used at the automation level, and the 100 Mbit of Fast Ethernet is no longer enough. However, Gigabit switches are often still too expensive and too bulky.
ATOP, a company specializing in industrial networking, has well identified this need and has provided an excellent low-cost solution with limited bulk and CC-A Profinet compliance. These are the EHG2008 8-port Gigabit Ethernet switches:
These switches are CE, FCC and UL/IEC certified. The range of ATOP switches is truly comprehensive and offers solutions for any need. Call us to expose yours: we will help you identify the products that can meet it. For more information or for a quote on ATOP industrial Gigabit Ethernet switches, you can contact our sales staff directly at + or via e-mail at
Number 16 November 2022 - Super-Flash Runtime: SCADA/HMI application development with no initial cost
To facilitate the development of HMI and SCADA applications, with a view to Industry 4.0, Automa offers its SUPER-FLASH development system free of charge, in RUNTIME. mode. Just download it from the freedownload section of our website and start using it for development and testing, without having to advance costs.
At the end of development, once the necessary size is detected, you will be able to proceed to purchase the Runtime license. This mode is also valid for the optional communication drivers: you can download them, test them and purchase the license only after the work is completed. ![]()
Those who are new to Super-Flash can take advantage of the customized training services offered by Automa. These are training modules of 2-4 hours each that can be structured, even "realtime," based on the specific needs of the participants. To optimize the time of technicians working with Super-Flash, Automa also offers customized training modules online, using Skype, Google Meet or other platforms. So the technician can stay onsite or connect directly from home, and there are no costs for time and travel expenses. As a reminder, Industry 4.0 training provides a tax credit from 40% to 70%. In addition, the training can be fully financed by interprofessional training funds to which all companies have, for some time now, been compulsorily enrolled. For more information about Super-Flash RUNTIME and the training modules please contact our sales staff directly to + or via e-mail at
October 2022
Due to All Saints' Day 2022, our offices will be closed on October 31, 2022.
ctivities will resume regularly on 2 November 2, 2022. Phone support service will also be suspended for the same day.
The Aid Decree (No. 50 of 17/5/2022) recently intervened to restate the tax benefit (Tax Credit) on Industry 4.0 Software, or intangible capital goods. The benefit is more than doubled from 20% to 50%.
This facilitation measure is included in the M1C2 mission of the NRRP called "Digitalization, innovation and competitiveness in the production system". Eligible software is listed in Annex B of Law No. 232 of December 11, 2016. The 50% tax benefit is available for expenses made in 2022. Purchases for Industry 4.0 Software made by 30/6/2023 can also be facilitated provided that, by 31/12/2022, the relevant orders are accepted by the vendor and payment of at least 20% of the purchase cost has been made. In any case, there are only a few weeks left to take advantage of the 50% discount on Industry 4.0 software. This is an important opportunity, not to be missed at all, to purchase software licenses useful for your work and to get all the integration and interconnection software projects that have been kept in the drawer until now off the ground. Then the Tax Credit will gradually reduce: : 20% in 2023; 15% in 2024, 10% in 2025. Software products supplied by Automa are included in Annex B and are eligible for this important facility. In addition to ready-to-use products, Automa also develops software dedicated to machine and plant interconnections to the MES and ERP levels. These application developments are also covered by the facilitation. For more information about the software products offered by Automa please contact our sales staff directly at +, or via e-mail at
Super-Flash is the development system for SCADA/HMI applications produced by Automa. It is now the only independent Italian SCADA. The only
![]() What does Royalty-Free mean? With Super-Flash, it means buying a Development System license and making an unlimited number of SCADA/HMI applications not subject to paid runtime licenses: a unique competitive advantage over those using other SCADA!! Thus it is possible to use Super-Flash even for cost-sensitive applications, those, to be clear, where an operator panel is often chosen. However, if I save on the operator panel but then find it impossible, or more difficult and costly, to meet the interconnection requirements necessary to take advantage of Industry 4.0 facilitative tools, then better to use a standard PC or PanelPC with an application made with Super-Flash ROYALTY-FREE on board. The purchase of the Royalty-Free Development System license qualifies as a purchase of a capital equipment, with the associated depreciation possibilities making it even more affordable. But the cost of purchasing a Super-Flash ROYALTY-FREE license can now be cut down drastically thanks to the high 50 percent tax credit. For more information, you can contact our sales staff directly at + or via e-mail at
This recent news is contained in Decree Law No. 50 of 17-5-2022 and is valid for purchases until the end of 2022.
This is a unique opportunity to purchase a Royalty-Free license thereby also drastically reducing the cost of future applications developed with Super-Flash. The 50% tax discount is also valid for ad hoc software developments. Automa's software products are included in Annex B of Law 232 of December 11, 2016, and are eligible for this exceptional facility. In addition to ready-to-use products, Automa also develops software dedicated to machine and plant interconnections to the MES and ERP levels. These developments also fall under the facilitation. For more information about the software products offered by Automa and not to miss the unique opportunity of the 50% tax discount, you can contact our sales staff directly at +, or via e-mail at
July 2022
Super-Flash is the development system for SCADA/HMI applications produced by Automa. Born in 1989, it is now the only independent Italian
![]() There are many SCADA/HMI applications made with Super-Flash by integrators, machine and plant builders that are running around the world. After years of trouble-free functioning, the need for an upgrade often comes up for these applications. A need almost always related to problems with the PCs on which these applications run. In the journey toward digital transition and interconnection under Industry 4.0, upgrading these old workstations becomes strategic to connect them functionally to the company's information system. But ... how can a Super-Flash development system help with sustainability? This is where a unique feature of Super-Flash comes in: it is possible to take back (Retrive) and update (Renew) old projects, even from 30 years ago, perhaps still running the DOS operating system!!! Porting old applications to upgrade them to Super-Flash version 4.6 (certified to run from Windows XP up to W11) is, often, a matter of a few hours of work (Reduce) Super-Flash has limited hardware requirements, so even PCs that are not the latest generation (Reuse) or miniPCs or PC-Boxes are fine. It requires little disk space, and the Runtime is an executable of only a few Mbytes. Through Database connections or using OPC-UA, MQTT, ModBus TCP, it is then possible to have the basic tools to implement effective interconnections (Renew). As for updating old projects, some customer needs are:
With Super-Flash these needs can be fully satisfied: it's good for the customer, good for you, and good for the environment The product is available for free download in RUNTIME version from the freedownload section of our website. For more information on SUPER-FLASH ROYALTY-FREE you can contact our sales staff directly at + or via e-mail at
The Beta 1 version of Super-Flash 4.7 is available in the download and freedownload sections of our site. Since it is a Beta version, the zip file of the RUNTIME version is also protected by a password that you can request by phone from Automa.
To give all developers a way to take advantage of the new features right away, the 4.7 Beta 1 development system saves projects in compatible mode to the 4.6 SP2 version. There are many new features in the development system that will facilitate, from now on, the development of applications. For more information on version 4.7 Beta 1, you can contact our sales staff directly at + or via e-mail at
On the occasion of summer holidays 2022, our offices will be closed from August 8 until August 19.
Activities will resume regularly on August 22, 2022. Telephone support service will also be suspended for the same period
Finally, even politics has struck a blow!!!
MISE's Digital Transition Plan has always been strongly focused on the theme of interconnecting all the elements that make up a manufacturing facility's information system. And interconnection is, essentially, Software. But until now the importance of software has always been virtually underestimated. A first step was already taken a couple of years ago by raising to 20 percent the tax credit for software listed in Annex B of Law No. 232 of December 11, 2016. Now, finally, even on software the tax credit has been raised to 50 percent. We believe this can give a major push toward the Digital Transition of companies, jump-starting software projects for integration and interconnection that have so far been kept in the drawer. This news is contained in Decree Law No. 50 of 17-5-2022. This is a short but important article, which we quote in full. Capo III
MISURE PER LA RIPRESA ECONOMICA, LA PRODUTTIVITÀ DELLE IMPRESE E L'ATTRAZIONE DEGLI INVESTIMENTI Articolo 21 Maggiorazione del credito di imposta per investimenti in beni immateriali 4.0 Art. 21. Maggiorazione del credito di imposta per investimenti in beni immateriali 4.0 1. Per gli investimenti aventi ad oggetto beni compre[1]si nell'allegato B annesso alla legge 11 dicembre 2016, n. 232, effettuati a decorrere dal 1° gennaio 2022 e fino al 31 dicembre 2022, ovvero entro il 30 giugno 2023, a con[1]dizione che entro la data del 31 dicembre 2022 il relativo ordine risulti accettato dal venditore e sia avvenuto il pagamento di acconti in misura almeno pari al 20 per cento del costo di acquisizione, la misura del credito d'imposta prevista dall'articolo 1, comma 1058, della legge 30 di[1]cembre 2020, n. 178, è elevata al 50 per cento. Software products supplied by Automa are included in Annex B and are eligible for this important facility. In addition to ready-to-use products, Automa also develops software dedicated to machine and plant interconnections to the MES and ERP levels. These developments also fall under the facilitation. For more information about the software products offered by Automa please contact our sales staff directly at +, or via e-mail at
May 2022
Also available in configurations with WiFi. Automa offers the promotional PC-Box with a Super-Flash Runtime licence and an Ethernet communication driver chosen from Siemens, Rockwell, Omron, OPC-UA, ModBus TCP. Licences with software protection already enabled. Promotion valid for orders by 10 June 2022. For further information on an embedded PC-Box with Super-Flash Runtime contact our sales staff directly on + or via e-mail at
We would like to inform you our offices will remain closed on 3 June 2022 for the long weekend starting 2 June and our telephone support service will also be suspended.
Ethernet is increasingly being used for automation, and the 100 Mbit of simple Fast Ethernet is no longer enough. Often however, the Gigabit switches are still too expensive and too big.
ATOP, the specialist in industrial networking, has clearly identified this need and has made available an excellent solution at low cost, with limited dimensions and CC-A Profinet compliant. They are EHG2008 8-port Ethernet Gigabit switches
These switches are certified CE, FCC and UL/IEC.. For further information or a quote on ATOP Ethernet industrial Gigabit switches, you can contact our sales staff directly on or via e-mail at
Automa is currently developing the new version Super-Flash 4.7.
In the coming weeks, the release of Beta 1 of the new version will be announced. To allow all the developers to immediately use the new functionalities, the 4.7 Beta 1 development system will save the projects in a manner compatible with v. 4.6 SP2. ![]() Therefore, the first functionalities to implement will involve improvements to the development system, to always make creation and maintenance more efficient of the supervision projects. Given the strong request for upgrading the old supervision stations implemented with Super-Flash, particular attention was paid to make porting even more efficient of the new version of the old projects. Retro-compatibility of Super-Flash is one of its strengths. It is easy to upgrade even very old projects to the latest version (certified to work from XP to W11): even "vintage" DOS projects!! For further information on the 4.7 Beta 1 version, contact our sales staff directly on + or via e-mail at
March 2022
Following the release of the Windows 11 operating system, Automa certified operation of the current official version, 4.6, of its SCADA Super-Flash.
![]() With certification, Automa has set the objective of ensuring full Super-Flash 4.6 SP2 functionality in the new Microsoft Windows 11 operating system. The result of the certification activity declares the Super-Flash 4.6 SP2 development system operational in a Microsoft Windows 11 work environment. It is therefore no longer necessary for Automa to release a new 4.6 Service Pack. To request certification documentation, or to have further information on the Super-Flash, version, contact our sales staff directly on + or via e-mail at
Since the UA version was announced, OPC protocol has always been more used in an industrial environment. After overcoming the technological compatibility issues of the Classic OPC, the possibilities offered by platform independence make OPC-UA an absolute protagonist
![]() of industrial communication Automa makes available OPC-UAC drivers for Windows developers, a DLL Windows for software developers using C/C++, C#, VB or other languages capable of interfacing a DLL. Using the integrated configuration tool, you can browse the servers and the items available online and make them available to your software. The OPC-UAC driver enables:
The driver is available in the freedownload section of our website. The download is free. Without activating a licence, the driver allows 15-minute continuous operation to allow functionality testing before proceeding with licence purchase. The OPC-UAC driver is now also available on the platform ![]() ![]() Component Source is the largest global superstore of software for developers, of which Automa is a Professional Partner. For further information on OPC-UAC drivers, contact our sales staff directly on the number + or via e-mail at
January 2022
The new 2022 Pricelist is available on request for products in the Supervisione Libera line by Automa.
After 11 years of substantially fixed prices, Automa has made some small retouches to its historic pricelist Other than the Supervisione Libera line (Super-Flash and surroundings), the 2022 Pricelist includes other chapters:
Note the power of the Telephone Support service, with the GOLD proposal that includes direct intervention, in remote support, on client applications. To request the 2022 Pricelist or request further information on products present, contact our sales staff directly on + or via e-mail at |
Automa srl - sole partnership limited company - Via Don A. Mazzucotelli, 6 - 24020 Gorle (BG) - ITALY - Telephone: +39 - E-mail: PEC: - Share capital € 31,200.00 fully paid - VAT No. 01775590167 - Register of Companies No. BG01775590167 - REA No. 236172 |